Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Had a fantastic time at the GCR Gala. Weather was kind, and funds were raised. Excellent result for us and great enjoyment for the public.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

If anyone wants to come and meet the Clan then we will be at the Autumn Gala at Loughborough, GCR, for all four days. I look forward to seeing you there...

Monday, 17 September 2012

After the AGM

The AGM, held in the Museum Library of the Severn Valley Railway, Kidderminster was a great success. details will appear here shortly when the notes are written up.
In the meantime, if you want to come and meet the sales team we will be at Barrow Hill for the Model Rail event this weekend and at the Autumn Gala at the Great Central Railway for all four days 4,5,6 and7th  October. If anyone is around, please come and have a chat, and hopefully spend a couple of pounds - better still if you are not yet a member why not join us? New faces are always welcome.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

We have added a new section to the Gallery of our website. Go and take a look here to see the latest Clan Class pics. Why not view the whole site while you are there? You might find something of interest.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Sales team will be at the GCR all three days of the Wartime Weekend. See you there...

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Sales team will be at Barrow Hill for all three days of the Gala. Why not come along and have a chat?

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

If anyone wants a chat about the latest news/developments, come along and have a chat at the GCR 60's gala over the weekend. Look forward to seeing you there...

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The working party at Shillingstone over the weekend went well, with many components secured and moved on to Nemesis Rail for further storage. This includes the cab structure, which will be brought inside to protect it from the elements until it can be fitted to the frames. I have attached a selection of photographs taken over the weekend and of the offload yesterday.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Working Party at Shillingstone

For the information of any members who may not be aware, there will be a working party at Shillingstone on the North Dorset railway over the weekend of 24/25th March. The container of parts will be opened, and emptied, the container re-sited and some of the contents, along with the cab structure and the bogie plate frames will be relocated to safe, dry storage at a different venue. It is hoped that the cab can be refurbished at its new home after being outside in all weathers for the last 5 years, prior to eventual fitment to the frame structure. Anyone who is free to help out will be most welcome to assist the working party. Three members of the council of management will be in attendance, getting their hands dirty. Please feel free to come along and make yourselves known.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Getting Ready to Build

First Engineering Committee meeting held this weekend to start the process of getting the frames ready for assembly. In the picture from left to right are Graham Ashton, Sean McKerchar, Mike Beswick, Geoff Turner, Dave Etheridge and Chris Jones

Thursday, 9 February 2012

If people want to come and see us and talk about the latest progress with the project, members of the sales team and Committee of Management will be attending the GCR shunters gala on17/18th February. Come along and meet the team. Please bring any transport related items that you can spare. The sales team can turn such items into hard cash to speed up the build process. Look forward to seeing you there...

Sunday, 5 February 2012

This blog is about the Clan Project, building 72010 Hengist, a BR Standard Class 6 pacific locomotive. Many parts of the engine have already been made and are currently in storage at various locations around the country.

We are currently raising funds to have the three major inter frame castings manufactured, at a cost estimated to be in the region of £50,000. Further expense will be required to machine the casting prior to their being used in the assembly of the main frames of the locomotive.
The picture is of the first of the patterns for these parts, taken in the workshop of Brian Oldford, the expert pattern maker, who has manufactured it for us. Currently we are seeking quotes for the casting of this important component.